Pots & Planters Garden Structures Garden Furniture
Outside Art Accessories & Gifts About Decimus Garden Store
Pots And Planters
Garden Structures
Garden Furniture
Outside Art
Accessories and Gifts
About Decimus Garden Store

A b o u t   D e c i m u s   G a r d e n   S t o r e

The thoughts of trips to Tuscany to source obscure terracotta factories seemed a good reason for the inception of Decimus Garden Store. We also had an in-town shop with a garden crying out for landscaping and an on-site car park.

In reality, and with some research under our belt, we have progressed no further than Dover! We stumbled into the wonderful world of resin, faux lead, fibreglass, fibreclay, zinc and terracotta-that-isn't. Traditional or cutting edge modern style - these containers break neither the back or the bank.In addition we offer a vast range of gardeners accessories, water features, statuary and garden structures, just because we cannot resist them - browse our website and see if you can.

We are also lucky to be able to offer our inhouse garden design service which can be located through the link www.sandstonedesign.co.uk - 01892 535976.
An example of what they can do is to be seen in our own garden behind Decimus Garden Store.

77 Calverley Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2UY - Telephone 01892 527 427 - Email